Welcome to J'Agape Art Entertainment, where we transcend the label of a mere Christian entertainment company. We believe in the unity of 'The Body of Christ,' akin to the diverse yet harmonious parts of a single body.

In our journey, we celebrate our differences, recognizing that diverse roles, responsibilities, and beliefs enrich our collective experience. Yet, we remain unified by the unbreakable bond of unconditional love, symbolized by 'J'agape'—where 'J' represents Jesus and 'Agape' signifies unconditional love.

Here, we showcase the beauty and unity of 'The Body of Christ' to a world in search of hope and answers. Guided by the divine connection of unconditional love and the spiritual guidance of Jesus Christ—our head and the Holy Spirit—J'Agape Art Entertainment serves as the conduit for spreading light and inspiration to all corners of the earth.

The Hands

You love to lend a helping Hand to those in need.You desire to offer a healing hand wherever you go.You are a prayer warrior!

The Feet

You support the body.You help provide balance to the body.You keep the body on the move.You are Deacons, Volunteers, Non-Profit Organization

Torso and Neck

You are the backbone of the Church.You are the support structure for the rest of the body.You are the heart beat of the church.You are the voice of the church .You are ministers, singers, apostles


You Extend the Reach of the body.You love missionary work both domestic and foreignYou embrace and love on people.You are in outreach

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The following survey allows you to share which part of the Body of Christ you most relate to. It also connects you with a growing community of believers dedicated to fostering growth and making a positive impact on today's culture


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"That if thou shalt confess with they mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" ROMANS 10:9,10

If you read this and truly believe this in your heart you are saved. HE is faithful and just to forgive your sins - now begin to walk in that forgiveness and spread the unconditional LOVE that has been given to you with everyone you come in contact. Get connected with a church home that can teach you the word of God! If you need help finding a church in your area contact us using the "Contact Us" form on this site!



Conforming vs. Transforming: A Spiritual Journey

May 21, 20243 min read

Romans 12:1-2

  1. Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

  2. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

This morning, I read this scripture and wanted to share a few thoughts about conformity. First, let's consider the definition of "conform":

(of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards.

A lot of times we apply this concept to just our community and culture, but we can conform to so many other things such as families, friends, and jobs. All these elements come together to shape our opinions about how we choose to walk in life. We try to fit in or conform to “our” worlds because it becomes our norm, even though deep down inside we know we are different and made for something greater.

In this scripture, we are challenged to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We have to purposely change the way we think and react to life’s situations. We must begin to see our situations through God's eyes and start believing what He has to say about those situations. We must do this through consistently reading His word, the Bible, and communing with Him regularly through prayer and fasting. The more you do these things, the sooner you will begin to understand your own unique greatness and the individual purpose He has designed specifically for you. It will be harder to conform to the things that you have conformed to before. It is important to also point out that everything you have conformed to in the past is not always considered “bad” - sometimes conformity is just more comforting than the task of stretching ourselves beyond the things we are familiar with. I personally have found that my biggest successes in life have come at times when I embraced the call on my life from God, no matter how strange or uncomfortable they may be initially. I remember the conversation I had with God when He called me into this ministry called J'agape, which required me to become a radio host, plan and execute events, and do loads of other things I never even considered myself doing. Especially since my plan in life was to pursue a career in engineering, have a normal 9-5 job, and a comfortable lifestyle. Although those were great and admirable plans for my life, and plans that I am sure would have been more acceptable and understandable to my family and friends, I found out that by trusting God and not conforming to the "world" around me, I was equipped and prepared to affect the world in a different way.

Nelson Mandela_Martin Luther King Jr, Mandela, Rosa Parks

The great people above embraced there calling, they tapped into what they were designed for and therefore left a mark on the world.

I want to challenge you to become a “living sacrifice” every day. Discover what God has purposed you for and become a walking example what happens when we follow His perfect will for our lives! The world needs a unique YOU and not another person conforming to status quo.

Stay encouraged and purposefully and remember to do everything in LOVE!

J’Agape – Jesus & Unconditional Love

#Conformity #Achieve #RenewingYourMind #Romans12 #MartinLutherKing #Mandela

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Shelton Seworth

Shelton Seworth, affectionately known as 'The Deacon' on his show 'TheReuPLive,' is a motivational speaker, leadership coach, author, and founder of J'agape Art Entertainment. This media company is dedicated to bringing Christian entertainment to a global audience. Shelton is passionate about fostering unity within 'The Body of Christ' through the power of love and media. His transparent blogs challenge the status quo and promote unity among believers.

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SameTeam E-Book

Discover the essence of unity in 'The Body of Christ.' Explore how love, forgiveness, and God's sovereignty can unite and empower believers.

A Challenge to Unite "The Body of Christ"

  • Why do we need a unified "Body of Christ"

  • What divides "The Body of Christ"

  • What does God feel about a divided church

  • How do we become a more unified "Body of Christ"

Release Date 8/24/2024

Click link below and let us know that you want to one of the first people to get this E-book and if tell us if you would like to share your picture as a part of "The Body of Christ" collage cover.

Common Questions

What types of events do you specialize in organizing?

At J'agape Art Entertainment, our primary focus is on providing a platform for Christian entertainers. We take pride in curating clean, encouraging, and highly entertaining content across various genres. Specializing in music showcases, comedy shows, panel discussions, and poetry events, we are committed to delivering the utmost quality in every aspect of our productions.

While our emphasis is on Christian entertainment, we also welcome performers whose material may not be explicitly Christian but aligns with our values of positivity and encouragement. This includes both old school and new school music performed by Christian artists.

If you possess a gift or talent that you believe would resonate with our audience, we invite you to reach out to us through our 'Contact Us' page. We are always eager to discover new talent and consider fresh ideas for our events.

What denomination or Church are you affiliated with?

J'agape Art Entertainment is not affiliated with any one church or denomination. Our events and content are designed to actually break down the walls that divide us in denominations and create environments where different doctrine beliefs can come together as one in love. Because of this foundation, If you are looking for a church home we have worked with numerous pastors and can definitely point you in the direction of ministries that align with your learning style.

What is your policy regarding refunds or exchanges for event tickets?

Our refund policy varies depending on the circumstances and the terms outlined during ticket purchase. Generally, we offer refunds or exchanges within a certain timeframe before the event, typically up to a week prior. However, there may be instances where refunds are not available, such as for certain special events or last-minute cancellations. We strive to be flexible and accommodating to our customers' needs while also ensuring the smooth operation of our events.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and cash for events, products and services. Please note we do not accept personal checks.

What is your cancellation policy?

We kindly ask customers who have booked appointments online or by phone to notify us of cancellations no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time. No-shows or last minute cancellations take away spots from other clients. If you miss or cancel without notice on more than 2 appointments, we may require prepayment for future bookings.


Shelton D Seworth


THE Premiere Christian Media Platform

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