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The Body of Christ

Connect to the power of a unified body of Christ
J'Agape Art Entertainment is more than a Christian entertainment company.  We believe "The Body of Christ" like any other body is made up of different parts.  We may have different roles and responsibilities or different religious doctrines but we must always remember that no matter what we are ONE!   We have learned to embrace our differences and found out that God has made it possible for us to work together as one through the ligaments that connect us all - UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - and the nervous system that guides us from our head,  Jesus Christ - The Holy Spirit!  A symbol for that is J'agape (J = Jesus & Agape = Unconditional Love), the perfect platform for showcasing "The Body of Christ"  to a world looking for hope and answers.  

What Part of the Body are You

The Body of Christ

The Hands

You love to lend a helping Hand to those in need.

You desire to offer a healing hand wherever you go.

You are a prayer warrior!  

The Body of Christ

The Feet

You support the body.

You help provide balance to the body.

You keep the body on the move.

You are Deacons, Volunteers, Non-Profit Organization

The Body of Christ

Torso and Neck

You are the backbone of the Church.

You are the support structure for the rest of the body.

You are the heart beat of the church.

You are the voice of the church .

You are ministers, singers, apostles

The Body of Christ


You Extend the Reach of the body.

You love missionary work both domestic and foreign

You embrace and love on people.

You are in outreach



That if thou shalt confess with they mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

ROMANS 10:9,10


If you read this and truly believe this in your heart you are saved. HE is faithful and just to forgive your sins - now begin to walk in that forgiveness and spread the unconditional LOVE that has been given to you with everyone you come in contact.  Get connected

with a church home that can teach you the word of God!


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